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Academic Advisor

Show me a successful individual, and I’ll show you someone who has had real positive influences in their life – one of them being an Academic Advisor who helps students make the most of their college experience.

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  • Student Advisor
  • College Advisor
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Salariile pentru Academic Advisor in afara Romaniei
$38.126 An ~ $3.177 luna
£28.067 An ~ £2.339 luna

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While 41 percent of new students receive advice from friends, family, or other students, 11 percent use information from college websites, and college employees advise another 47 percent.

Exploreaza cariera de Academic Advisor

Show me a successful individual, and I’ll show you someone who has had real positive influences in their life – one of them being an Academic Advisor who helps students make the most of their college experience.


What do Academic Advisors do?

An Academic Advisor would typically need to:

  • Give students individualized attention and academic assistance to promote their growth and success while maintaining their motivation and a sense of purpose
  • Assess the academic, professional, and personal stage of development of students while discussing with them their educational and career goals
  • Develop learning and study skills and critical self-awareness in students, and thus empower them to take responsibility for their academic success
  • Use developmental advising versus simple course scheduling – by determining suitable developmental tasks and helping students select courses consistent with their abilities, interests, and aspirations
  • Share knowledge, experience, and insights beneficial to students; connect them with resources such as counselors or tutors
  • Proactively contact and be regularly available to students; support their development as successful learners within the institution and beyond
  • Promote a sense of belonging to the academic community among students; encourage supportive relations between students and between staff and students
  • Provide case management to students who do not meet local educational requirements
  • Approve all designated academic transactions like pre-registration, registration, schedule, drops, adds, and withdrawals
  • Maintain an advising portfolio, with a summary record of performance to date (grade reports, transcripts, etc.), dates of conferences, and notation of exceptional circumstances
  • Intervene in case of behavioral or academic abnormalities, focusing on students placed on academic probation; make referrals to other institutional resources when academic, attitudinal, attendance, or personal problems require professional intervention
  • Understand, interpret and provide a rationale for institutional policies, procedures, and requirements; regularly consult with faculty colleagues for up-to-date information
  • Meet with first-year students during orientation and special sessions spread across the year to assist them with their initial adjustment to academic life at university
  • Develop and maintain operating procedures that minimize the likelihood and impact of errors; develop student information guides and recruitment material
  • Participate in on-campus and off-campus events promoting their educational institution and present academic information to potential students and parents
  • Monitor course enrollment and make recommendations to appropriate staff regarding reserves, restrictions, availability, waitlisting, or closure based on program demand and course availability

Mediu de lucru standard

Academic Advisors work for the most part in their offices unless they need to interact with students, their parents, and fellow professionals at relevant college and regional functions. A business casual dress code would be the norm unless otherwise specified.

Program de lucru

Academic Advisors must be available during the regular business hours of the college and occasionally on evenings and weekends for special presentations and events. Office hours should be posted on the advisor’s office door and preferably shared with the advisee early in the semester.

Academic Advisors should plan for extended hours during pre-registration periods. They are eligible for all school holidays and often have extended vacations or reduced hours during the summer months.

Despre angajatori

Educational institutions at the secondary and post-secondary level use the services of Academic Advisors. At the high school level, they may be assigned to a specific grade or group of students. In a college or university at the post-secondary level, their work may be within a particular school such as business.

Academic Advisors are generally employed by:

  • High Schools
  • Community Colleges
  • Universities


Professional associations and organizations like the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) are a key resource for those interested in pursuing professional development or connecting with like-minded professionals in their industry or occupation. Membership in one or more looks great on your resume to bolster your credentials and qualifications.

The NACADA Center for Research is the first global think tank dedicated to research in academic advising and student success. As an instructional resource, it helps advance the scholarly practice and applied research related to academic advising.

Provocari intalnite

  • Staying current on ever-changing curricula and career opportunities while handling the stresses of a large workload and enrollment practices
  • Maintenance of a schedule to allow drop-in appointments while managing record-keeping and paperwork

Aptitudini necesare

Cele mai importante

De preferat si urmatoarele

Tipul de experienta necesara

Some positions require that Academic Advisors have somewhere between two to five years of experience in student counseling, development, education, or related fields. Prospective advisors are encouraged to seek work in the admissions or advising office while completing their education. Doing so can provide a valuable on-the-job experience that can help them obtain their first post-graduation job as an Academic Advisor.

Calificari si certificari recomandate

<p><strong>Aspiring Academic Advisors typically earn an education-related bachelor’s degree and progress to earning a master’s degree related to educational counseling.</strong> Candidates with degrees in disciplines like psychology, counseling, social work, marketing, student development, higher education leadership, and career development tend to find many Academic Advisor positions open to them.</p>

Certificari & Diplome

Academic Advisors may need to have appropriate licensure and certification to work in a school setting, although these requirements vary by location.

Traseul acestei cariere

With additional education or certification, Academic Advisors may become Teachers, Librarians, Instructional Coordinators, Assistant Principals, Principals, or an Educational Administrator at a college or university.

Academic Advisors can easily become Teachers if they obtain the requisite credentials and have a strong educational background in the subject they plan to teach. A bachelor’s degree is mandatory, although a master’s degree is preferred.

A master’s degree in Library Science (MLS) is generally required when Academic Advisors wish to shift gears and become a Librarian. Some locations also require librarians to pass a standardized test.

Instructional Coordinators generally need to complete a master’s degree related to education or curriculum and instruction and have a teaching or education administrator license. Academic Advisors wishing to become a School Principal should consider obtaining a master’s degree in education leadership. Typically, public school principals must be licensed as school administrators.

Either a bachelor’s or master’s degree may be required to become an Educational Administrator. For a higher-level position such as Dean or President, an Academic Advisor may need a master’s degree in educational leadership.

Perspective de viitor

Individuals with education, experience, skills, and passion for helping students reach their full potential will have the best job prospects.

Dezvoltare profesionala

Advanced degrees in educational leadership or counseling may be necessary, particularly for post-secondary Academic Advisors. Academic Advisors with a master’s degree have a greater chance of promotion and a salary increase. Academic Advisors continue to take courses throughout their careers to improve their skills and keep their knowledge up-to-date.

NACADA, comprising the global community for academic advising, offers professional development, including annual conferences, awards, scholarships, grants, online courses, e-tutorials, and an emerging-leaders program.

Extra informatii

A Vital Resource for Students Academic guidance is an essential part of a student’s experience and is associated with improvements in satisfaction, retention, and academic success. A key tenet is that students are responsible for exploring viable academic, career, and personal goals before making their decisions. Advice – Generic or Precise Depending on the institution, Academic Advisors may work with students in a select few programs and may specialize in guiding certain degrees, or may offer advice to a more general group of students. Always There for the Students Academic Advisors usually maintain a schedule that allows students to drop in or make an appointment to discuss these important topics. They may refer students to specialized staff for such issues as psychological/emotional counseling, financial assistance, and study-abroad programs.

Academic Advisors often help students with the logistics of evaluating and determining how their credits will transfer between schools, performing and interpreting degree audits, and communicating academic probation challenges. They must maintain accurate records of their work, including all interactions with students.

Academic Advisors may serve as a liaison for the school and represent it to prospective students while fostering good relationships with other advisors, colleges, and departments. They may attend events, such as college fairs, to discuss enrollment opportunities with students and parents.

High school Academic Advisors guide teenage students towards graduation and acceptance to an institution of higher learning. Academic Advisors work with students of diverse age groups at the community college level, from teenagers to the middle-aged to the retirees. They help students find and enroll in the right classes, transfer to a university to complete their bachelor’s degree, or seek jobs and career opportunities. Principal Models of Advising – Developmental, Prescriptive or Intrusive Developmental advising focuses on helping students explore and define academic, career, and life goals and pathways, developing their problem-solving and decision-making skills through collaborative and process-oriented advising. Students generally prefer this approach, but it requires a greater commitment of time and resources than other advising models.

Prescriptive or traditional advising seeks to provide students with information directly related to their academic program and progress, such as academic policies, major or program requirements, and course selection. Prescriptive advising is normally initiated by the student to facilitate progress through their academic program.

Intrusive advising or high involvement or proactive advising includes contact initiated by the advisor at critical periods throughout a student’s academic career, such as during the first year of study while taking developmental or remedial courses before they declare a major as they approach graduation. It targets particular cohorts such as academically at-risk or high-achieving students. Intrusive advising positively impacts developmental/remedial undergraduate mathematics course pass rates, student retention, and degree attainment rates. Real-World Problem Solvers Academic Advisors find that their job fosters relationships with faculty, staff, and students. It makes them real-world problem solvers who assist students in realizing and meeting their career potential.

The intellectual, academic environment makes for witnessing individual growth and success. Academic Advisors are creative individuals who enjoy shaking things up to serve students, thus grabbing their attention and making them more receptive to the academic advising process.

In concluzie

Sometimes, It Is Not What We Say, But How We Say It. Academic Advisors do more than tell a student where the bookstore is or in which class to enroll. By approaching every situation with the lens that every student can be successful and that every student has strengths, Academic Advisors break the mold that pigeonholes students into what their K-12 experience may have been. They become those honored individuals that students look up to and say, “Because of you, I didn’t give up.”


What you are looking for is not out there…it’s in you. Allow your passion to become your purpose, and one day it will become your profession.

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