Suflator de sticlă Glassblowers create glass so fine one could slip their fingers through it, so perfect and dazzling that it could put a diamond to shame. AN Andrei Nastase
Inginer civil Autorul englez Thomas Tredgold a remarcat, pe bună dreptate, că „ingineria civilă este arta de a direcționa marile surse de putere din natură pentru AN Andrei Nastase
Estimator de construcții Estimatorii în construcții se numără printre acei profesioniști care fac parte integrantă din societatea noastră, dar care sunt rareori amintiți sau AN Andrei Nastase
Inginer de ambalaje Whether it is a 50-cent coffee mug or a multi-million dollar artwork, it’s the Packaging Engineer who designs and develops a functional and AN Andrei Nastase
Specialist SEO An organisation does not want its website hidden away like the proverbial needle in a haystack, impossible for users to locate in a stack of search engine AN Andrei Nastase
Manager de producție industrială When Industrial Production Managers succeed in making the best use of available resources to run plants and production facilities, they ensure their AN Andrei Nastase
Șofer de tren As the famed writer Agatha Christie remarked, “To travel by train is to see nature and human beings, towns and churches, and rivers, in fact, to see AN Andrei Nastase