Specialist în promovarea sănătății “Health is wealth!” is an age-old adage Health Promotion Specialists strive to make the reality for everyone in their community and beyond. AN Andrei Nastase
Concierge The word ‘Concierge’ probably conjures up a stylish suit-clad professional in some fancy five-star hotel in New York City or London. Concierges AN Andrei Nastase
Catering privat Exquisitely presented and delectable hors d’oeuvres, perfectly coordinated beverages, meticulous service, and a well-balanced and flavorful lunch or AN Andrei Nastase
Florist As John Harrigan said, “Happiness held is the seed; Happiness shared is the flower.” Florists work with flowers and other plant elements to AN Andrei Nastase
Producător de știri Keeping up with news and current affairs can be an arduous task in a constantly changing and busy world. News Producers make our lives easier and inform us AN Andrei Nastase
Ofițer de relații publice Public relations (PR) is a concept familiar to many, but not everyone may know what it means. A Public Relation Officer’s role is vital for every AN Andrei Nastase
Producător de film The question, “What is a Film Producer?” is not an easy one to answer; while producers typically wear many hats, there is one way to separate AN Andrei Nastase
Influencer turism Visiting the Eiffel Tower or eating dinner in a romantic restaurant in Italy – such destinations and activities can refresh your energies and kindle AN Andrei Nastase