Psiholog în domeniul sănătății The rising incidence of deaths due to the negative impact of unhealthy lifestyle choices makes the role of a Health Psychologist extremely critical to AN Andrei Nastase
Consilier de criză During moments of intense difficulty when tough decisions must be made to overcome incredibly challenging experiences, people may feel trapped in a state AN Andrei Nastase
Psiholog Psychologists make it their life’s mission to help people overcome their mental challenges and live life to the optimum. They encourage people to AN Andrei Nastase
Psiholog social Humans are social animals with an innate need to interact with each other. Our social perceptions are formed based on our personal bias stemming from AN Andrei Nastase
Tehnician psihiatru The field of psychiatry came into being out of a deep desire to help individuals with mental or behavioural health challenges. These patients are AN Andrei Nastase