
Epidemiology is like a bikini: what is revealed is interesting; what is concealed, crucial. Epidemiologists team up with doctors and public officials in

Maestru SCRUM

An athlete defines sprints as short bursts of high-speed running. To a Scrum Master, Sprints are short projects or events of fixed length that help to

Chimist organic

Creativity is not merely the domain of an artist. An Organic Chemist also exercises creativity while making groundbreaking contributions to organic

Inginer civil

Autorul englez Thomas Tredgold a remarcat, pe bună dreptate, că „ingineria civilă este arta de a direcționa marile surse de putere din natură pentru

Inginer chimist

Otherwise known as ‘universal engineers,’ Chemical Engineers apply the principles of chemistry, biology, physics, and math in the design and